The head of the Triangle, NC Pink Pistols chapter came up with the fantastic idea of having a disclaimer indicating that Pink Pistols is not any kind of militia or armed security, and that if any of our members makes the decision to use deadly force in defense of themselves or another, it is 100% their personal choice and that Operation Blazing Sword – Pink Pistols has not asked, and would never ask, any of our members to do such a thing.

This position has been made clear in the Pink Pistols Utility Manual, but not everyone reads that. Given the recent increase in anti-queer sentiment and that our members may very well be armed at Pride events, we felt it important to have such a disclaimer drawn up.

If a Pink Pistols chapter plans to have a presence at Pride, please make sure that everyone who is attending as a Pink Pistol — working a booth, handing out information, or just wearing our logo in an official capacity — reads and signs this.

Thank you for helping us stay safe.